6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Join us at the Port of Los Angeles for the annual L.A. Harbor Holiday Boat Parade, a 63-year-old tradition of festive lights and community spirit. The parade is the leading holiday event in the Port of Los Angeles, including Wilmington and San Pedro. The Los Angeles Harbor Holiday Afloat Parade showcases a vibrant array of decorated boats. As it moves through the channel, each boat shines as a beacon of holiday cheer. The parade reflects the community spirit of L.A. This year, we invite you to join us and experience this unforgettable night of lights, community, and holiday joy.
Stay updated with our latest news and share your experiences on social media using #LAHarborafloat. Don’t miss the chance to be part of a cherished LA tradition.
Officials and community leaders play important roles in the parade. They serve as judges or passengers on around 50 parade boats. These vessels encompass all shapes and sizes. Powerboats, sailboats, tall ships, and harbor working craft are all taking part. The Port of Los Angeles and the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club sponsor the parade.
Discover the Los Angeles Harbor Boat Parade Magic
Moreover, the main body of decorated boats will stretch about one mile. This creates a spectacular view. The parade passes the designated Viewing and Judges’ Stations. Below are estimated viewing times for various locations along the parade route.
6:30 – 7:00 PM: Cruise Ship Plaza, Battleship Iowa (Judges Station), LA Maritime Museum, Port Police Dock proceeding towards West Harbor (Old Ports O’ Call Village)
7:45 – 7:50 PM: Warehouse 1, SS Lane Victory

L.A. Harbor Holiday Boat Parade Viewing Spots
The parade starts at East Basin near Banning’s Landing Community Center in Wilmington. It takes approximately 90 minutes to cover the entire parade route up the Port’s Main Channel. There are several viewing points along the Main Channel. These include Banning’s Landing Community Center, the California Yacht Marina at Berth 202 and the California Cafe 720 Peninsula Rd. in Wilmington.
In San Pedro, the Cruise Ship Promenade at Harbor Boulevard and Swinford Street is a good option. The Fanfare Fountain & Gateway Plaza is another great option. Another awesome location is the Los Angeles Maritime Museum at 600 Sampson Way. You can also consider West Harbor (old Port O’ Call Village) at 1100 Nagoya Way. You can also check out the S.S. Lane Victory, 22nd Street Landing at 141 W. 22nd Street, Cabrillo Way Marina at 2293 Miner St., and California Yacht Marina-Cabrillo Marina at 224 Whaler’s Walk, San Pedro.
Boat parade categories: Theme, Children’s Choice, and Grand Marshal’s Award. Yacht Clubs and Marinas will be vying for the coveted Perpetual Trophy, awarded to the club/marina with the most entries.
Events are not guaranteed. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.
L.A. Harbor Holiday Boat Parade Gallery

2024 Parade Theme: “Holidays Around Our Heritage”
2024 Parade Boaters Information:
December 7, 2024 – 6:00 PM – East Basin (assemble by 5:45)
Please follow instructions from Port Police, USCG/USCGA, or Parade Committee boat. VHF Frequency for Parade: channel 68 (alternate freq. 69). Emergency – Port Police on VHF channel 16 or (310) 732-3500
If the weather is bad, stand by. Monitor channel 68 for operations announcements between 5:00 – 5:15 PM. Also, check at 5:45 PM.
Trophies will be awarded in several categories based on originality, appearance, holiday spirit, and best representing parade theme.
PLEASE NOTE! Lighted boat entry numbers MUST be clearly displayed on the starboard bow. This is necessary for your vessel to be identified, scored, and judged. Please return boat numbers and banners at Awards breakfast.
Skippers must pick up BOAT NUMBER & SKIPPER PACKET at CBYC:
Wednesday, December 4 at CBYC, 5:00 to 7:00PM
Thursday, December 5 at CBYC, 5:00-7:00PM
Registration Fee-$30.00 (includes: Participation Plaque) Awards Dinner tickets can be purchased separately for $15.00. For your convenience, you may download the registration form.
For more information contact any of the committee members listed below:
Henry Rivas – 323-487-2101 email:
Pamela Botis – CBYC – 310-519-1694 email: